Stress Relief

Ways to Save on Stress Relieving Activities

13 Ways to Save on Stress Relieving Activities

It’s important to take care of yourself and your mental health. But how can you save money while lowering your stress? It’s actually quite easy. There are so many possibilities, but you must schedule the time to treat yourself. So many of us put ourselves last, and that’s got to change. Here are some ways to lower your stress, enjoy some “me-time,” and fit it all into your “health and fitness” budget. 13 ways to save on stress relieving activities Save…

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Never pay a late fee for overdue library books again

Never pay a late fee for overdue library books again

If you like to read and spend money on books, you’re going to want to read this post about the Overdrive app. I’ve been on a reading kick lately. It’s something I enjoy doing to relax and de-stress. I usually try to read self-improvement books. However, I’ve recently been reading a whole lot of books from my favorite genre: fantasy.  I’m hooked on the fantasy series The Iron King by Julie Kagawa. I’m currently on book 6- and that’s not…

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10 Reasons to Give Yourself a Massage with a Foam Roller

10 Reasons to Give Yourself a Massage with a Foam Roller

If you’ve been exercising, or doing a lot of yardwork and housework, or even sitting at your desk for hours on long workdays, you may have a lot of sore muscles– and the thought of a massage might sound heavenly. However, we’re trying to be financially smarter and save money wherever possible, so those weekly trips to the masseuse may not fit into the budget. But health is very important too, and I subscribe to the saying “Your Health is…

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Coloring Books are not just for kids

Coloring books are not just for kids anymore

Did you like to color when you were a kid? Why as adults do we stop doing things that we enjoyed when we were younger? My theory is that we forget to slow down and enjoy these kinds of things once family life gets hectic. Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s good for you to slow down and remember some of the things you enjoyed- like coloring books. You should take some time and enjoy coloring like you…

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Time to Rake the Leaves

Raking leaves

This can seem like a chore, but it can become a stress relieving activity on a warmer day with some fun music blasting. ?? Front yard is done! Now on to the backyard… ?

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Patio Power Washing Therapy

Patio power washing therapy

Ah, the power of power washing! I knew the patio needed to be cleaned, but I had no idea how badly. My in-laws let me borrow their power washer and I set to work spraying it down this morning. Once I got everything hooked up correctly and figured out how to turn it on, things went smoothly. Well, as long as you don’t mind getting dirty. By the time I finished power washing the patio, I was covered in a…

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Sticker-by-number De-stresser

This is another relaxing activity, imho. It feels extra cold today so I’m just cuddled up under a warm blanket on the couch, watching tv and doing a sticker-by-number. The tree frog is almost done. ?

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Old bread for the birds

We try not to let any food go to waste, but it happens anyway sometimes. When it’s stale bread, I like to provide a treat for the birds. Though I’m not sure if they’re the only ones who enjoy it. ? I recently gave the kiddo a few stale slices of bread and she put them all over our bird feeders. The next day, the bread was completely gone and the bird feeders looked like this: Maybe I need to…

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Sidewalk Trimming Therapy

You can get a nice crisp look to your yard even if the grass isn’t perfect by regularly trimming the cement edges in your yard (i.e. sidewalks and driveway). We don’t treat out grass with anything so we gave a lot of clover and weeds that I’ll pull by hand. Even with those “imperfections,” I think the yard looks great when the edges are sharp along the sidewalks and driveway. All it takes to get this clean look is a…

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