
How I cured my hyperthyroidism naturally

How I cured my hypERthyroidism naturally

Disclaimer: I’m putting this out here in the hopes of helping others who may find themselves in a similar situation. I’m not a doctor. I can only speak from my own experience. I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism in August 2017 and, by March 2018, my thyroid levels were back in the normal range. When none of the usual thyroid treatments worked… “So I hear you’re our problem patient,” said my endocrinologist as she walked into the room. I shifted on…

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Get Your Home Guest-Ready Fast - 14-day Guide

Guide to Get Your Home Guest-Ready in Just 1 Hour a Day

Do you have a messy home and need to get it guest-ready fast? When you’ve got visitors coming and only a few days to get your home looking presentable, you may feel a panic attack coming on! Personally, I struggle to keep my home organized and can get tired just thinking about what needs to get done. And when guests are coming, a million mostly negative thoughts start running through my mind. Oh no! The house is a mess! What…

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