Saving on Shopping

Read real-world examples of saving on shopping and learn to apply these simple tips to your own shopping routine.

I Fixed Our Fridge’s Ice Dispenser for $20.14

About 4 months ago, our refrigerator stopped dispensing ice. It would still provide nice cold water, but whenever we switched to the ice setting, the fridge would just make a clicking noise. I immediately assumed that it would be an expensive fix (which turned out to be wrong). I’m embarrassed to say that I didn’t really look into it much at the time and just started emptying the ice into a bucket that we kept in the freezer. I just…

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Make your own farmhouse table - part 2

Make Your Own Farmhouse Table for $75 – Part 2: Finishing the wood

So you now have a farmhouse table with unfinished wood. (If you don’t and want to make your own, get instructions here. Or if you have any project with unfinished wood, read on for simple instructions to finish it.) That table wood definitely needs to be finished before use. Otherwise, you’re going to stain or scratch the table with things that you did not want to stain and scratch it with. Like food, crayons, water rings, milk, any liquids soaking…

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Trash to Treasure - DIY Patio Chair Transformation

Patio Chair – “Trash to Treasure” DIY Transformation

Do you ever pass furniture and random items that people have put out at the curb for trash pickup? Well, I recommend taking a closer look when that happens and you might find your next cheap and easy project! I’ve started doing this in the last few months and have picked up a coffee table (which just needed some screws tightened to make it like new again), a small desk (which I up-cycled into an entryway bench and garden supply…

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11 Facts that will make you want a cordless electric lawn mower

11 Reasons You Should Switch to a Cordless Electric Mower

Buying a cordless electric mower ten years ago has been one of the best purchases we’ve ever made!!! In fact, I feel that way about a lot of the electric items that we’ve switched to using over the years, like our electric car and robot vacuum cleaner. But back to the electric mower. Did you know that the average lifespan of a lawn mower is 8-10 years? If you have a traditional push mower, you’ll have all those years of…

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Make Your Own Tall Planters

Make your own tall planters and save over $100 on each

Since moving into our home nearly four years ago, I had a plan to put some nice tall planters on our front stoop. But I just never got around to it. Whenever I saw them for sale in the store or online, the tall planters (nearly 3 feet high) would go for more than $150 EACH! So I resolved to figure out how to make my own. Luckily, Pinterest came to my rescue and I found this wonderful tutorial on…

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How to Clean Your Own Gutters to Save Money

How to Clean Your Own Gutters to Save Money

It is extremely important to clean the gutters on your home at least once a year. Twice a year is even better. You don’t want to skip it. Why? Gutter cleaning is one of those small home maintenance jobs that keeps other bigger and badder things from happening. However, it can be a bit expensive to hire someone to clean the gutters for you. For our smaller home, it would run about $100 per gutter cleaning. So I tried to…

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How I Saved Over $300 on Glasses for My Kid

How I Saved over $300 on Glasses for My Kid

My kiddo was so lucky! Her eyes held out until second grade before needing assistance in seeing. I myself had to get glasses in first grade. She suddenly was struggling to read the board at school and the teacher moved her to the front row. So off we went to the eye doctor. Luckily, our health insurance includes vision coverage for dependents, so we didn’t have to have separate vision insurance for the appointment or for the glasses-or so I…

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