Home is where the heart is. And since our hearts want to be thrifty and green, that’s what we work toward with these posts. Read about home projects, cleaning and organizing, and food (meal plans and recipes).

Make your own farmhouse table for $75

Make Your Own Farmhouse Table for $75

Our family dining table seated only 4 people comfortably. If we had any guests, it was embarrassingly small. We’d have to set up a folding table to make enough room. You can see what I mean in the image below.  That little dining table was bought for my first apartment after graduating from college.  I think I bought it and the dining room chairs for about $200 from Kmart nearly a decade and a half ago! So I did some…

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Chocolate Rice Krispy Treats

Easy and Cheap (and Delicious!) Chocolate Rice Krispy Treats

I forgot that it was my week to bring the snack to the girl scout troop meeting until the day before. Has that ever happened to you? You’re supposed to bring food to an event and it somehow doesn’t make it to your to-do list or the grocery list. Whoops. I was scrambling trying to come up with something that I could bring that wouldn’t break our food budget, that most kids would like, and was gluten -free (so my…

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Get Your Home Guest-Ready Fast - 14-day Guide

Guide to Get Your Home Guest-Ready in Just 1 Hour a Day

Do you have a messy home and need to get it guest-ready fast? When you’ve got visitors coming and only a few days to get your home looking presentable, you may feel a panic attack coming on! Personally, I struggle to keep my home organized and can get tired just thinking about what needs to get done. And when guests are coming, a million mostly negative thoughts start running through my mind. Oh no! The house is a mess! What…

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Skip the plumber and easily replace your tub spout on the cheap

When you’re trying to save a little cash and keep on a budget each month, you find ways to maintain your home in frugal ways. For example, I had never replaced a tub spout before, but by golly, I was going to try it- and it turned out to be so easy! Everyone should be doing this themselves. We went quite a few months with our tub spout’s diverter stuck in the shower position. We tried using CLR a few…

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How to Stop Refilling Your Kitchen Sink Soap Dispenser

How to stop refilling your kitchen soap dispenser

Our family spends a lot of time in the kitchen, and that means we tend to go through the soap in our in-sink soap dispenser every few weeks. The soap bottle under the sink is tiny and I hate refilling it as often as I need to! I always end up spilling (i.e. wasting) soap everywhere in the process of filling it. It’s also difficult to remove and re-attach the bottle because I have to have one hand above the…

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Get Easy Cash Back on Groceries

Get easy cash back on your groceries with Ibotta

How does over $200 cash back sound? My sister loves Ibotta and has gotten over $200 cash back using it. With that in mind, I finally decided that it couldn’t hurt to give it a try and see what I could save. Any extra cash helps now that I’m not bringing in a paycheck. Ibotta has a free app for your phone Setup was a cinch. Just install the app on your phone and follow the prompts to select your…

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Free Daily 5-minute Organizing Challenge

Take the daily 5-minute organizing challenge from Messies Anonymous [Email Newsletter]

I used to be completely disorganized at home until I read a book by Sandra Felton and Marsha Sims. These two are the founders of “Messies Anonymous” and really know their stuff when it comes to organization. I really relate to what they say and recommend them for clutter bugs like me. So when I found out that Marsha now sends a free daily email, I was immediately on board with that. I signed up and now get daily organizing…

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Five Boxes to Declutter

Use 5 boxes to sort and organize all of your clutter

So many boxes… So much clutter… Do you still have boxes of stuff that never got unpacked when you moved? Or a place in your home that seems to accumulate all the clutter? I am supposed to have a craft space in the basement, but it has become the cluttered catch-all area in my home instead. As you can see, it became the junk room and was wall to wall boxes, including some we never opened after moving in three…

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