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I forgot that it was my week to bring the snack to the girl scout troop meeting until the day before. Has that ever happened to you? You’re supposed to bring food to an event and it somehow doesn’t make it to your to-do list or the grocery list. Whoops.

I was scrambling trying to come up with something that I could bring that wouldn’t break our food budget, that most kids would like, and was gluten -free (so my own kid could eat it).

I looked in the pantry and spotted my daughter’s box of cocoa rice cereal. The idea was born!

When you need a delicious and affordable snack for a large group of kids in a hurry, nothing beats chocolate rice krispy treats!

Chocolate Rice Krispy Treats

And there are only three ingredients (which are all very affordable at Aldi) and three steps to make these!

3 Ingredients for Chocolate Rice Krispy Treats

  • 1 box of cocoa rice cereal ($0.99)
  • 1 bag of marshmallows ($0.89)
  • 3 tbsp of butter (about $0.70)

3 Steps to Make the Chocolate Rice Krispy Treats

I followed the official cooking instructions from Kellogg’s Rice Krispies.

  • I melted the butter and marshmallows on low heat:

  • Then I mixed in the cereal and made a sticky mess. That’s a requirement for rice krispy treats, right?

  • Lastly, I mushed it all into a glass pan and waited. It didn’t take long for the treats to set:

I was so happy!!! These rice krispy treats solved all my problems – it was quick and easy, cheap for our food budget, kid-friendly, and gluten-free.

For about three dollars, this made 16 servings and best of all, the girls gobbled them up! I felt pretty happy when many of them even asked for seconds. Winning!

This was definitely a great snack in a pinch!

What’s your favorite go-to snack to make for kids?