
Homemade Shower scum cleaner

This recipe has been great for getting my shower clean and, most importantly, keeping it that way! I found this idea on Pinterest and it really works as a soap scum buster. I still had a store bought bottle of soap scum remover so I used that up first and reused the spray bottle (waste not, want not!) to hold the new chemical-free mixture. It’s only two ingredients that I already had in my house-equal parts vinegar and dish soap.…

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Keep your floors clean without vacuuming

Keep Your Floors Clean Without Vacuuming

Do you spend a lot of time vacuuming your home? Or do you put it off until you see large dust bunnies in the corners or step on something unidentifiable? That pretty much describes how I used to vacuum. I might vacuum consistently for a couple of weeks and then I would put off vacuuming the floors for as long as possible- going weeks without vacuuming the floors. And it showed. But I did not want to spend my time…

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8 Uses for Hand Sanitizer (besides sanitizing hands)

My husband is an elementary school teacher and if there’s one thing that they keep around in abundance in the classrooms, it’s hand sanitizer. If you talk to him, he’ll tell you that it’s a total necessity, but I’ve learned to try to avoid hearing his germ stories from school. In any case, they are always well stocked with hand sanitizer! Because of this, we recently found ourselves the new owners of a LOT of hand sanitizer. I’m talking, A…

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Injured Squirrel

How to help injured wildlife

I was in the backyard this week when I heard a commotion in one of the trees. I went closer to check it out, and the neighbor’s cat followed me. We were both staring up in the trees trying to figure out what was going on up there. Leaves were streaming down like rain and I heard screeching. Then I saw an adult squirrel jumping around, and only moments later, a small squirrel fell from the tree only a few…

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DIY curtain rod for odd length windows

I like looking around on Pinterest for diy ideas to try. Especially when something is going to cost more than I want to pay. Can I make it myself more affordably? We are trying to set our basement up for movie viewing with a projector, but a lot of light comes through two high windows. We really wanted a way to black them out as needed. So I Pinterested and I bought the supplies to make a curtain rod for…

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Set up a mudroom space in the smallest entryway

Every day, I’d notice one of my daughter’s tiny plastic chairs over by the basement door. I asked my husband about it and he said he was doing that so he’d have a place to sit and put on his shoes before leaving for work in the mornings. That got me thinking. How could I make the set up better for him so he didn’t resort to using plastic kiddy chairs? And how could I do it with things We…

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Will Safekeeping

We finally printed off our wills, got the necessary witnesses signatures, and put them in a safe location in our home. But if our family can’t find those wills if the time arises (God forbid), it would be like we had never made them at all. So we emailed family members describing the location of said wills. If you have not made a will, I encourage you to do so. If it is needed, it’s one less thing your family…

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Delicious Fish Even a Non-Cook Can Make

Delicious Fish Even a Non-Cook Can Make

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Do you struggle with cooking edible meals at home like me? When it comes to cooking, I usually try to avoid it – I’m not very good at it, and I’d so rather be in the garden! But it’s much cheaper and healthier than fast food and restaurants, so it’s well worth the trouble.  I’m starting to make a list of easy (read: fool-proof for the non-cook like…

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