All blog posts on Frugal Thumb
Our master bedroom has a wonderful huge window that is rounded at the top (uh, what’s this style called?) And I love it! For me, it is the main focal point of the room, working together with the bed. But for the longest time, we debated how to even put curtains up on this window because, in addition to the round top, the ceiling is also slanted on both sides. This makes it impossible to have a straight curtain rod…
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My gas company sent me a brochure in October with tips to prepare my home for the winter to help me spend less on the gas bill! I truly enjoy when my utility companies send me tips on how to save money by giving them less of it! Ha ha, it’s quite a deal, really. I often wonder if they do this because they want their customers to be more likely to be able to afford and, therefore, pay their…
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I picked four more today! We’re getting pretty close to the end of the season, but I’ll be enjoying the delicious flavor of fresh summer tomatoes in my sauces during the cold winter. I’ve got five freezer bags filled and ready! Growing your own tomatoes and other veggies and saving them in the freezer is a cheap and yummy way to enjoy them all year.
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We have owned an electric lawn mower for more than a decade and it continues to be one of our greatest larger purchases ever. (I go on and on about why it’s been so great in this other post.) So, when we unexpectedly found ourselves in need of a new vehicle, we were naturally interested in electric vehicles. Unsurprisingly, this month we bought a pre-owned electric vehicle! I’m in love! And it’s only been a few days. Here’s why it…
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My kiddo was so lucky! Her eyes held out until second grade before needing assistance in seeing. I myself had to get glasses in first grade. She suddenly was struggling to read the board at school and the teacher moved her to the front row. So off we went to the eye doctor. Luckily, our health insurance includes vision coverage for dependents, so we didn’t have to have separate vision insurance for the appointment or for the glasses-or so I…
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When my husband’s car was totaled only two weeks after I quit my job, we both panicked. He was rear ended at a stop light and, luckily, everyone was okay–thank God! Just not his car. That was totaled. The timing of our totaled car could not be worse. We were on a tighter budget than ever! And now we had to hurry and get another car for the hubs. I started googling ways to get money for a totaled car.…
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This is another way to keep your jewelry close at hand and easy to find, and display it in a fun fashion. Just put some tacks in a box photo frame, hang your necklaces on them, and hang the frame on the wall. Voila!
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We try not to let any food go to waste, but it happens anyway sometimes. When it’s stale bread, I like to provide a treat for the birds. Though I’m not sure if they’re the only ones who enjoy it. ? I recently gave the kiddo a few stale slices of bread and she put them all over our bird feeders. The next day, the bread was completely gone and the bird feeders looked like this: Maybe I need to…
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This book, The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey, changed my life and the financial trajectory of my family. I first read it back in September 2013 when I knew something needed to change for me because I was so unhappy at work. At that time, I couldn’t just quit because I had a family with financial obligations, and I wanted to retire someday, preferably earlier than the norm! For any chance of that, I felt we needed both mine…
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I don’t want to overspend on an item because who really does? It’s a waste of hard-earned money. So, in the past, I’ve spent hours and hours searching for a particular product, trying to find the cheapest version, the best deals. Sometimes, I’d find a cheaper version and sometimes (truthfully most of the time), it was a big waste of time. And time is money too. So how do you find the cheapest price for any particular item on…
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