
Kid loves parent despite garbage smell

A father’s experience: I walked into the school to pick my daughter up from the after school program and sat down next to her, waiting for her to finish up an art project. A kindergarten boy sat next to me, leaned in close, and took a long deep sniff. Then he looked up at me and says, “You smell like garbage. Whose dad are you?” My daughter piped up next to me and claimed me. “He’s my daddy!” When we…

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Get a Happier Marriage with These Tips

For a Happier Marriage Follow These Tips [Infographic]

Would you like a happier marriage? When you’re hustling around trying to keep some semblance of work/life balance, oftentimes the first thing to suffer is your married life. So how do you work on your marriage and become happier together as time goes by? Hint: It does NOT require spending money. It’s the little thoughtful things. I truly believe it’s about doing little things for each other, day in and day out. A happier marriage is made by thinking of…

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Get Easy Cash Back on Groceries

Get easy cash back on your groceries with Ibotta

How does over $200 cash back sound? My sister loves Ibotta and has gotten over $200 cash back using it. With that in mind, I finally decided that it couldn’t hurt to give it a try and see what I could save. Any extra cash helps now that I’m not bringing in a paycheck. Ibotta has a free app for your phone Setup was a cinch. Just install the app on your phone and follow the prompts to select your…

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Coloring Books are not just for kids

Coloring books are not just for kids anymore

Did you like to color when you were a kid? Why as adults do we stop doing things that we enjoyed when we were younger? My theory is that we forget to slow down and enjoy these kinds of things once family life gets hectic. Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s good for you to slow down and remember some of the things you enjoyed- like coloring books. You should take some time and enjoy coloring like you…

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Free Daily 5-minute Organizing Challenge

Take the daily 5-minute organizing challenge from Messies Anonymous [Email Newsletter]

I used to be completely disorganized at home until I read a book by Sandra Felton and Marsha Sims. These two are the founders of “Messies Anonymous” and really know their stuff when it comes to organization. I really relate to what they say and recommend them for clutter bugs like me. So when I found out that Marsha now sends a free daily email, I was immediately on board with that. I signed up and now get daily organizing…

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Five Boxes to Declutter

Use 5 boxes to sort and organize all of your clutter

So many boxes… So much clutter… Do you still have boxes of stuff that never got unpacked when you moved? Or a place in your home that seems to accumulate all the clutter? I am supposed to have a craft space in the basement, but it has become the cluttered catch-all area in my home instead. As you can see, it became the junk room and was wall to wall boxes, including some we never opened after moving in three…

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Safely remove black mold

Safely remove black mold from your subfloor

I recently replaced the flooring in my parent’s master bathroom without any prior experience. If you’d like to read how that went, you can find the details here: Installing peel-and-stick vinyl tile in bathroom Since the first bathroom went so well, my parents wanted me to replace the flooring in their guest bathroom too. Of course, every project is a little different and this was no exception. I used a utility knife and flat head screw driver to remove the wood…

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restore a rusty metal bathroom shelf

Restore a Rusty Metal Bathroom Shelf for $5

This project idea was hatched when we had to remove the metal bathroom shelf above the toilet to prepare for installing new flooring in my parents’ bathroom. By doing so, it became clear that the silver metal had seen better days. The bathroom shelf was really rusted in places, especially along the shelf poles. In all honesty, it looked like it needed to be thrown away and replaced.  However, it’s not unusual for an over-the-toilet metal shelf unit to cost…

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