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Do you have long hair? Is it getting split ends? Does it just need a trim? Then cutting it yourself is the way to go.

A few months ago, my long hair severely needed a haircut, but I wanted to save some money on salon fees. I don’t spend much time on my hair (or makeup, for that matter), partly because I don’t care and partly because I’ve never been able to figure out how to do it myself (ha ha, I realize the irony since I love DIY stuff). So, in my mind, I couldn’t warrant the costs of getting anything fancy done to it at a salon- which would only look great the day of my salon visit and never again since I can’t duplicate it myself.

So, since I can’t fix my hair myself, I decided to cut my long hair myself. *shrug*

If you’re like me and your hair spends most of its time in a pony tail anyway, definitely give this a try.

Save on Salon Fees and Cut Your Long Hair Yourself

I have to laugh because the YouTube video that I watched to learn how to cut my own long hair at home starred a hairstylist who repeatedly said, “Don’t do this. But if you do, do it this way. But don’t do this.”

So of course I did it anyway. In my mind, if I completely botched it, then I could go to a real hair stylist to fix it. But before I did that, I wanted to at least try to save $30-50 plus tip and DIY it. Here’s the video that I watched a couple of times:

And here are some pictures of what I did:

  • I washed my hair, flipped my head over and combed it out super straight, and put my hair in a tight ponytail at the top and middle of my forehead. (Picture 1 above)
  • Then I smoothed it out to make sure it was still nice and straight in front of my face. I looked over the ends and decided where I was going to cut based on the thickness/healthiness of the hair.
  • Using some sharp scissors, I cut straight across at that spot. (Picture 2 above)
  • I pulled my hair out of the ponytail, combed it out again, and checked that the hair looked okay from the back. That’s it! (Picture 3 above)

Seriously, that’s all I did. It was so easy and took only a few minutes. It’s no stylish ‘do, but then again, neither am I.

Here it is after air-drying.

And look! My hair is still super long. I actually used this technique again a few days later because I decided I needed to trim off a little bit more (since I didn’t quite get all of my split ends), and it worked like a charm both times.

I deem this whole DIY long haircut attempt a satisfactory success. At least, it’ll get me through until I can convince my husband that I should chop it all off and get a short ‘do…

What do you think? Have you ever tried cutting your own hair?