All blog posts on Frugal Thumb

How to Clean Your Own Gutters to Save Money

How to Clean Your Own Gutters to Save Money

It is extremely important to clean the gutters on your home at least once a year. Twice a year is even better. You don’t want to skip it. Why? Gutter cleaning is one of those small home maintenance jobs that keeps other bigger and badder things from happening. However, it can be a bit expensive to hire someone to clean the gutters for you. For our smaller home, it would run about $100 per gutter cleaning. So I tried to…

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Tips for Hand Sewing Girl Scout Badges Easily

3 tips for hand sewing girl scout badges easily

Are you tired of losing your child’s iron-on scout badges? But do you also cringe at the thought of hand sewing badges instead? Never fear! I’ve got some tips for you that will help you hand sew them all on without getting murderous thoughts.  My daughter’s troop is very active and she ends up with a LOT of badges. I kid you not- I had over 50 badges to sew on her brownie vest this year alone. And she still…

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Time to Rake the Leaves

Raking leaves 2

Our backyard was blanketed with leaves. That’s way too many to bag! So what’s a person to do?? Well, pile them all around the kid’s play house, that’s what. ? A kid’s leaf pile dream:

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Time to Rake the Leaves

Raking leaves

This can seem like a chore, but it can become a stress relieving activity on a warmer day with some fun music blasting. ?? Front yard is done! Now on to the backyard… ?

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Parmesan courgettes

This is one of my favorite ways to eat veggies. Slice up two zucchini, grill them up, add a couple splashes of lemon juice and a teaspoon of chopped garlic, then sprinkle parmesan over all. Be generous with the cheese! Flip and continue to grill until cheese is a mix of crispy and melty. I apparently like this so much that I forgot to take a final photo before I scarfed it all down, so I will just have to…

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What to do with that old pumpkin after Halloween

Feed your backyard nature! ? When we made our three jack o lanterns, we tried to get as much out of it as possible. I made three kinds of baked pumpkin seeds. And we decorated our porch for Halloween. But why just leave them rotting after the sugar buzz has worn off? We moved ours to the backyard, sprinkled bird seed inside, and watched the nature enjoy. It turns out the deer liked it even more than the birds! think…

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Patio Power Washing Therapy

Patio power washing therapy

Ah, the power of power washing! I knew the patio needed to be cleaned, but I had no idea how badly. My in-laws let me borrow their power washer and I set to work spraying it down this morning. Once I got everything hooked up correctly and figured out how to turn it on, things went smoothly. Well, as long as you don’t mind getting dirty. By the time I finished power washing the patio, I was covered in a…

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Best picture hanging tip

Newspaper. Cut newspaper to the size of every frame you plan to hang on the wall. Then tape them where you think you want them on the wall. Take pictures, move, measure spacing, align, and review until you are happy with the groupings and look of the newspaper shapes on the wall. Then nail away! This saves a lot of heart ache and provides good results every time. I forgot to take photos of the newspaper when I hung these…

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Add edging to a shelf for fancier look

The projector shelf was doing its job, but it was very plain. I added edging (leftover from our wood flooring install last year) that I spray painted white. This was the first time I had to cut 45 degree angles and it was a learning experience. It was really tough and I splintered the wood and scraped up the paint a lot. But I discovered that it was easily touched up with a bit of white out. Then I used…

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Green tomato soup recipe for the fall

When it starts getting cooler, it’s time to get creative with the last of your veggie garden harvest. You can make the most of your tomato plants right to the very end, when it gets too cold for the last of the tomatoes to finish ripening on the vine. We had our first freeze this week so I had to save all the last of the tomatoes from our three tomato plants- all still very green. But hey, why let…

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