
Kid describes her speedy running

A kid was running as fast as she could, doing laps around the playground at school. She stopped to tell the teacher on recess duty. Kid: “Look how fast I am! I was really fast, like a Cheeto!” Teacher: “Yeah, you were really fast. You were so fast I’m going to call you flaming hot.” Read More “Kid Lessons”

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Kid loves parent despite garbage smell

A father’s experience: I walked into the school to pick my daughter up from the after school program and sat down next to her, waiting for her to finish up an art project. A kindergarten boy sat next to me, leaned in close, and took a long deep sniff. Then he looked up at me and says, “You smell like garbage. Whose dad are you?” My daughter piped up next to me and claimed me. “He’s my daddy!” When we…

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