Outdoor Living Space

Patio Power Washing Therapy

Patio power washing therapy

Ah, the power of power washing! I knew the patio needed to be cleaned, but I had no idea how badly. My in-laws let me borrow their power washer and I set to work spraying it down this morning. Once I got everything hooked up correctly and figured out how to turn it on, things went smoothly. Well, as long as you don’t mind getting dirty. By the time I finished power washing the patio, I was covered in a…

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How to Make Halloween Ghost Lights for Free

This craft cost us nothing and was a fun way for us to decorate the stairs up to our front door for trick or treaters. We collected empty gallon milk cartons for weeks. Then we had a great time with our kiddo drawing spooky faces on each one. I cut an opening in the back, weighed it down with a rock, and stuffed in some white Christmas lights. Voila! It really looks great at night. Picture coming soon.

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Old bread for the birds

We try not to let any food go to waste, but it happens anyway sometimes. When it’s stale bread, I like to provide a treat for the birds. Though I’m not sure if they’re the only ones who enjoy it. ? I recently gave the kiddo a few stale slices of bread and she put them all over our bird feeders. The next day, the bread was completely gone and the bird feeders looked like this: Maybe I need to…

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