You want to have fun with your family, but how can you afford it? Frugal and fun CAN go together. You’ll see.

Easy, Cheap, and Quick Holiday home decorating

Who says wrapping paper and bows are just for presents? These cheap but festive items can really spice up any holiday decorating in your home. We put my husband’s nutcrackers on the mantel, but it needed something to snaz it up. So, I used my daughter’s free poster from the nutcracker, wrapping paper and bows to do the job. I added the bows about the nutcrackers and the wrapping paper pieces to the wall. Festive feel up 100% ?: This…

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Add Serious Personality to Your Plain Eyeglasses

Add serious personality to plain eyeglasses for less than a dollar

Due to our health insurance coverage and budgeting, we had to get some very plain eyeglasses for my daughter’s first pair of frames. You can read about that frugal experience and how we saved over $300 on the frames here. But I wanted my kiddo to love her glasses, and they were boring compared to the frames she had really wanted. So I did some brainstorming. How can you add serious personality to plain eyeglasses? And how can you change the…

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Tips for Hand Sewing Girl Scout Badges Easily

3 tips for hand sewing girl scout badges easily

Are you tired of losing your child’s iron-on scout badges? But do you also cringe at the thought of hand sewing badges instead? Never fear! I’ve got some tips for you that will help you hand sew them all on without getting murderous thoughts.  My daughter’s troop is very active and she ends up with a LOT of badges. I kid you not- I had over 50 badges to sew on her brownie vest this year alone. And she still…

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What to do with that old pumpkin after Halloween

Feed your backyard nature! ? When we made our three jack o lanterns, we tried to get as much out of it as possible. I made three kinds of baked pumpkin seeds. And we decorated our porch for Halloween. But why just leave them rotting after the sugar buzz has worn off? We moved ours to the backyard, sprinkled bird seed inside, and watched the nature enjoy. It turns out the deer liked it even more than the birds! think…

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Sticker-by-number De-stresser

This is another relaxing activity, imho. It feels extra cold today so I’m just cuddled up under a warm blanket on the couch, watching tv and doing a sticker-by-number. The tree frog is almost done. ?

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How to Make Halloween Ghost Lights for Free

This craft cost us nothing and was a fun way for us to decorate the stairs up to our front door for trick or treaters. We collected empty gallon milk cartons for weeks. Then we had a great time with our kiddo drawing spooky faces on each one. I cut an opening in the back, weighed it down with a rock, and stuffed in some white Christmas lights. Voila! It really looks great at night. Picture coming soon.

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Four leaf clover jewelry

My daughter is one of the luckiest people. I’ve never found a four leaf clover, but she has found at least five in her short seven years of life. We picked and dried a few of them to make into these beautiful lucky necklaces. I’d never tried making this kind of jewelry before so I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it was quite easy! I plan on trying my hand at a few other plant inspired pieces now that…

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Whisper Walk 5k 2017

The Whisper Walk is for ovarian cancer awareness. Every year, our family walks in memory of Justin’s grandmother, Mary Katherine Quanty. Ovarian cancer is said to “whisper” because the four main early symptoms are very subtle and can easily be missed if you don’t know what they are: bloating difficulty eating or feeling full quickly urinary changes pelvic or abdominal pain Learn more Go Team Proud Mary! “Though she be but little, she is fierce.” -Shakespeare

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International coastal cleanup

Every year, I help pick up trash for the International Coastal Cleanup sponsored by Ocean Conservancy. It’s all about cleaning up on beaches and around waterways that eventually lead to the ocean. And this year, I brought my kiddo with me! She was a great helper, making sure we marked down every piece of trash we found. That’s my favorite thing about this particular trash pick up event-everyone tracks their findings and Ocean Conservancy compiles the data and provides the…

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