Joni Smith

Joni Smith

Joni is a 40-year-old wife and mother in Kansas City, MO. She started budgeting in 2013 and was able to quit her job as a computer programmer in 2017. Her family now has financial freedom, living comfortably on only her husband's teaching salary. (This includes 3 humans and 3 cats living under one roof.) These days, Joni enjoys finding simple ways to live the good life while saving money and the planet at the same time. Her hobbies include DIY projects, gardening, quilting, making self-improvement goals, and brainstorming ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle.
Make Your Own Quality Mulch

Make your own quality flower garden mulch

Mulch: it’s the garden maintenance with the hidden fee because it is easy to forget in the March budget. To keep our yard looking nice, I usually need to buy a bunch of bags of mulch every year. I never seem to have enough mulch for my garden! My husband teases me about my ability to estimate how much I need because he usually takes the number of bags that I said to buy, doubles it, and then I still…

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How to plan an awesome staycation

How to plan an awesome staycation on a next-to-nothing budget

My daughter’s spring break starts tomorrow! We usually go on some expensive trip, but the reality is that a big budget is not necessary to have an amazing vacation and make memories that last a lifetime. Until recently, I was actually worrying about what we should do for spring break since our budget is more limited than it used to be. We had talked about Disney World before, but that is definitely not in our budget right now. Then Key…

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Get Scholastic Books for Free

Spend nothing and bring home (nearly) all of the Scholastic books that your kid wants

Is your kid like mine? When it’s Scholastic books time, she wants all the books! She comes home from school with the Scholastic book order forms, grabs a pen, and starts circling. The next thing I know, I am being handed order forms that look like poorly written papers graded by a strict teacher – covered in markings with upwards of 30 books that my kid wants me to buy. Now, don’t get me wrong – I absolutely love how…

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Kid describes her speedy running

A kid was running as fast as she could, doing laps around the playground at school. She stopped to tell the teacher on recess duty. Kid: “Look how fast I am! I was really fast, like a Cheeto!” Teacher: “Yeah, you were really fast. You were so fast I’m going to call you flaming hot.” Read More “Kid Lessons”

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Frugal Finance 101 - Do More with Less

Frugal finance 101: Do more with less

Before you read this post, have you read my post on creating a budget? If so, carry on. If not, please check it out first so you get off on the right frugal foot. Frugal finance 101: You need a budget This is when things get really fun because you get to review your budget, cut out the fat, and brainstorm ways to still do things that you love for less money. I’m telling you, this is the step that…

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Frugal Finance 101 - You Need a Budget

Frugal finance 101: You need a budget

I’ve gotta tell you, when my family reached financial freedom, it was a wonderful amazing feeling! But it didn’t happen overnight. We implemented a budget and scrimped and saved and threw as much money as we could at our bills, car payments, and house payments. And then 4 years after implementing that budget, we had no credit card debt and no loans. Even the house was paid off! And in 5 years, our net-worth had doubled. Our financial freedom was…

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Frugal Finance 101 - Rules of Thumb You Need To Follow

Frugal finance 101: 4 Rules of Thumb You Need to Follow

I don’t know about you, but I want to have a fulfilling life and spend time doing things that I love- without the money worries. I don’t want to worry about whether or not my family can pay the bills each month, and I don’t want to go into debt using credit cards to make ends meet. However, my family has a finite amount of money to work with each month to make this a reality. And that brings me…

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Kid schools parent on persistence at bedtime

Parent: Go to bed. Kid: I’m going to color ducks. Parent: No. Pick up your dirty clothes and go to bed. Kid: These ducks are really cute. Parent: Just close the book. Go to bed. Kid: Will you help me open these crayons? Parent: No, I’m not going to help you – Kid: Nevermind. I got it. Parent: Go to bed. [Leaves bedroom and closes door] Read More “Kid Lessons”

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Kid loves parent despite garbage smell

A father’s experience: I walked into the school to pick my daughter up from the after school program and sat down next to her, waiting for her to finish up an art project. A kindergarten boy sat next to me, leaned in close, and took a long deep sniff. Then he looked up at me and says, “You smell like garbage. Whose dad are you?” My daughter piped up next to me and claimed me. “He’s my daddy!” When we…

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Get a Happier Marriage with These Tips

For a Happier Marriage Follow These Tips [Infographic]

Would you like a happier marriage? When you’re hustling around trying to keep some semblance of work/life balance, oftentimes the first thing to suffer is your married life. So how do you work on your marriage and become happier together as time goes by? Hint: It does NOT require spending money. It’s the little thoughtful things. I truly believe it’s about doing little things for each other, day in and day out. A happier marriage is made by thinking of…

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