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Whoa, option overload! I don’t know when this happened, but I recently discovered that Evergy (my area’s electric company) now has 7 different rate plans for customers to choose from.

7 Evergy rate plans is a lot to choose from.

Evergy’s rate plan options:

  • Standard Tier Plan
  • All-Electric Heat Plan
  • After 8 Plan (previously known as the “Time of Use” plan)
  • EV Only Plan
  • Everyday User
  • Overnight Saver Plan
  • Seasonal Saver Plan

For more details, read about them all here:

After I read up on all of these plan options, I found that there are really only 5 that my family could or might want to switch to. Our home has gas heating so we don’t meet the requirements for the All-Electric Heat Plan. And even though we have an EV, the EV Only Plan is actually a second plan on a second meter set up just for EV charging–that seems like overkill to me, especially when the Overnight Saver Plan is basically the same plan, just applied to the whole house.

So I narrowed the list down to 5 plan options:

  • Standard Tier Plan
  • After 8 Plan (previously known as the “Time of Use” plan)
  • Everyday User
  • Overnight Saver Plan
  • Seasonal Saver Plan

But that’s still quite a few to compare. And I wanted to determine the best plan for my family’s electric energy use. “Best” meaning the cheapest. 😉

So how did I figure out which plan would make my monthly bill the cheapest?

Well, I used a few lines from the billing details of my monthly Evergy bills. And then I did some calculations. If you want a detailed tutorial on how to do these calculations, read my post that I wrote here. In it, I take you step by step through comparing your bill on two different plans.

In this post, I’ll show you my results from going back 7 months with this strategy. I used my monthly Evergy bills to compare the total cost of my monthly bills if I had been on any one of these 5 different rate plans.

Lots of math is required, but I made it really easy on anyone who wants to do this too. You don’t have to do all this math because you can buy my fillable form (excel doc). With it, you just plug in the numbers from your billing details and get an immediate list of the Evergy plans with comparison costs.

Follow along to see my results from comparing these 5 plans.

My results from comparing Evergy’s Rate Plan Options:

In each column, I’ve highlighted the most expensive plan for that month in red and the cheapest in green. The last column shows the totals for each plan.

Here’s what I discovered when comparing plans from the past few months of bills:

The Standard Tier Plan was the most expensive plan.

Of all 5 plans, if I had been on this one, I would’ve been paying the most money to Evergy. This is the default plan that most residences have unless they have specifically asked Evergy to change it to a different plan. This amazed me! Of course, my family does try to handle as much of our energy use outside those expensive 4-8pm hours on the weekdays to save on our current plan.

The After 8 Plan was saving me less than $3 a month.

This was my current plan at the time of this comparison and it was nice to see that we were saving money on average after making the switch, but the amount wasn’t anything to get excited about. Especially when considering how careful we are to run our washing machine and dishwasher after midnight, and charge our electric car overnight.

The Overnight Saver Plan was the cheapest plan.

If my family had been on this plan for these months, we would’ve been saving nearly $12 a month, without making any changes to our lifestyle. I was so happy that I took the time to compare plans because my current plan was not the best for us.

I have since switched to the Overnight Saver Plan and will update this post with my savings in the next few months.

If you’d like to run these calculations on your own Evergy bills, get my Excel doc / fillable form. Then you can rest easy that you’re not overpaying for your electricity.