
Tips for Hand Sewing Girl Scout Badges Easily

3 tips for hand sewing girl scout badges easily

Are you tired of losing your child’s iron-on scout badges? But do you also cringe at the thought of hand sewing badges instead? Never fear! I’ve got some tips for you that will help you hand sew them all on without getting murderous thoughts.  My daughter’s troop is very active and she ends up with a LOT of badges. I kid you not- I had over 50 badges to sew on her brownie vest this year alone. And she still…

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When Hand Sewing Is Worth It

When hand sewing is worth it

Sometimes it’s worth it to fix up an item rather than trashing it. When you’re able to use things longer, you naturally are able to buy fewer things. With clothes, bedding, and fabrics, that’s when a little hand sewing comes in “handy!” I am not a seamstress by any means. In fact, I’m not great at sewing in general. But it only takes a couple of hours to learn a few simple hand stitches. I know this because I took…

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