All blog posts on Frugal Thumb

Will Safekeeping

We finally printed off our wills, got the necessary witnesses signatures, and put them in a safe location in our home. But if our family can’t find those wills if the time arises (God forbid), it would be like we had never made them at all. So we emailed family members describing the location of said wills. If you have not made a will, I encourage you to do so. If it is needed, it’s one less thing your family…

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Delicious Fish Even a Non-Cook Can Make

Delicious Fish Even a Non-Cook Can Make

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Do you struggle with cooking edible meals at home like me? When it comes to cooking, I usually try to avoid it – I’m not very good at it, and I’d so rather be in the garden! But it’s much cheaper and healthier than fast food and restaurants, so it’s well worth the trouble.  I’m starting to make a list of easy (read: fool-proof for the non-cook like…

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Morning exercise

If I’m going to exercise, it’s got to be in the morning or I won’t have the energy to make it happen later in the day. And it has been so long since I exercised regularly that I knew I needed to start off doing something that wasn’t too hard so I wouldn’t give up yet would also give me some results quickly. Pilates was the natural choice. It’s low impact, fun, almost like meditation, and I don’t want to…

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Organizing the freezer #LWSZ

Organizing and Inventorying the freezer was also supposed to be part of LWSZ day 1 time permitting, but time did not permit for me. Luckily, with the help of the hubby on Labor day, we finished up organizing and Inventorying the rest of our food in the freezer(s). Not only was this a great opportunity to find out what we already had on hand in the house for meal planning during this no spend month, but it was great for…

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Fixing paint chips on walls to look like new again

It happens to every beautiful wall in a lived-in household. A few paint chips here and there, scuff marks, and even crayon or pen marks start accumulating and need a little touch up. Well, all it takes is a little bit of spackle, sanding, and paint to make it like new again. Here’s some touch ups I did in the master bedroom in less than an hour (not counting drying time). I prefer the pink spackle that turns white when…

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How to use seven overripe bananas in one day

In keeping with the plan to spend as close to zero as possible this month, I knew I needed to find a use for our last bunch of bananas-and fast! They were too ripe already for most fresh uses. So, breakfast was banana pancakes: This is a recipe my daughter loves. It only takes one egg and half a banana, blended in my magic bullet, and cooked on the griddle at 275 degrees. Makes 7-8 pancakes per batch. That only…

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Organizing the pantry #LWSZ

The first “real” task (i.e. requiring that I get off the couch) recommended during Ruth’s LWSZ month is to organize the pantry. Voila! And now I know what’s in there and where everything is. So worth it. ? < also love Ruth’s theory of treating the pantry like a store where we’ll be going shopping this month.

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Closet/Hidden Office Space

Today’s project is a hidden office in the closet space in our guest bedroom. The desk had been set up next to my dresser in the master bedroom, and it did not look good at all. I’d been eyeing this closet as an alternative setup for awhile, and when I measured, it was just barely big enough to fit the desk. Score! And there’s still room to hang clothing when guests stay the night. I plan on decorating the walls…

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